
Importance of Tourism for London Level 5 CBC College


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  • Pages: 54 / Words 13505
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1.1 Background of study

In the modern era, with the growth and development of new destination in the world’s tourist market, the cities could be seen as a permanent attracting factor for tourist. Tourism is an important part of the economy for most of the countries because it provides many benefits like employment opportunities, further area for development, etc (Lee, Lee and Ham, 2013). Along with this, it has a positive effect on the destination development and unplanned development which leads to have many negative effects on the destination. However, increases in tourism activity have put significant impact natural, the social and economic environment of the destination. Urban tourism leads to give an brief of development and various types of tourism activities which provide benefit to the communities and increasing effective functioning. It helps in motivating the modification of some new cultural and commercial facilities and improved it which can be used for both tourist and residents. This research is purly based on the Analysis of  the importance of urban tourism activities in the economic development of London City. Urban tourism activities help in bringing significant benefits such as new investment possibilities, creating new workplaces, etc.

1.2 Research problem

For nations it is important to focus on economic growth and development. It is important to improve urban tourism activities so that large number of people can be attracted toward new destination of London (Mistilis, Buhalis and Gretzel, 2014).. There are various factors which can motivate tourist to visit London. It is essential to make them aware about new tour activities and destination where they can visit and enjoy. Urban tourism provides overview of the cities in which people visit. Tourist are mainly attracted from different cultural in particular city, natural resources, museum etc

1.3 Chapter structure

At the time of undertaking research, it is necessary to follow a systematic pattern by obeying a well-managed and appropriate structure. This structure can be shown in the following chapter which can be undertaken by the investigator as a part of the research. Here, below are the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction – In first chapter, straight information related to the selected topic will be provided. This will include an overview of the chosen topic with specific goal and objectives. Further, research problem will be described and at the end of the chapter, different types of tools and techniques will be discussed.
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review – In the next chapter, there is details information which is related to the factors which motivate people to visit London will be discussed. Further, the areas of Westminster to access transport getting around the destination will be focused. The entire chapter will lay emphasis on covering aim and objectives of the investigation. The complete published work will be incorporated which is written by different authors.
  • Chapter 3: Research Methodology – In research methodology chapter, all the detailed information related to the tools and techniques will be provided. Along with this, validation of the technique which is used in the study will be provided. This chapter will also include limitations and ethical considerations and all the resources which are used by the investigator.
  • Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings – All the results of collected information will be presented in this chapter.
  • Chapter 5: Discussion and conclusion– Discussion will be done on the basis of collected information. At last, the conclusion will be derived from the result and data and recommendations will be also provided.


Aim: “To analyse significance of urban tourism activities in economic development of London City”.

On the basis of provided aim below are prepared following objectives


  • To determine the encouraging factors that motivates people to visit London.
  • To understand the ways in which the Westminster location and its nearby destinations tends to attract the tourists with assistance of 6 A's.
  • To demonstrate ways through London can remain the top tourist destination in the future


            In the research right question, right formulation plays essential role because it support in building a strong framework. In this research, right questions which are formulated very accurately which are as follows

  • How to determine the encouraging factors that motivates people to visit London?
  • What are the ways in which the Westminster location and its nearby destinations tends to attract the tourists with assistance of 6 A's?
  • How to demonstrate ways through London can remain the top tourist destination in the future?

1.4 Focus and purpose

The present research is carried out with the main purpose of analysing the significance of urban tourism activities in economic development of London City. The main reason of this research is to analyse and fill the gap which is left by previous researcher on the selected topic. Many research has been performed prior on the importance of urban tourism activities in economic development (Moscardo and Murphy, 2014). A relationship between both of this was also revealed in many works. It is effective to improve destination which assist in influencing tourist to visit London. It is because with the various development in the technology it become easy for tourist to travel longer distance. Hence this concept is effective in travel and tourism industry. It can be stated that for the growth of economy it is essential to attract large number of tourist to travel London destination.

1.5 Framework and analysis

In entire research collection of the information from different sources is an essential step from reliable sources. It helps in providing a valid outcome which helps in driving appropriate conclusion. Here below are the various steps in this regard.

  • Design of research – For the current investigation, descriptive research design will be used. It will support in describing the population which is covered in the study.
  • Research approach – For the present research, inductive approach will be used. It focusses on moving from specific information to general. The present research is on analysing the significance of urban tourism activities in the economic development of London City. This will lead to the identification of understanding urban tourism and its impact on economic development.
  • Research philosophy – By the researcher, interpretivism philosophy will be used.
  • Techniques of research – Qualitative technique is used by the scholar for the present research.
  • Method for data collection – The current investigation is based on analysing the significance of urban tourism activities in the economic development of London City. Therefore, both primary and secondary methods will be used by the investigator. In primary, survey will be conducted in which questions will be asked from a tourist who visited London. On the other side, secondary information will be collected from different sources such as books, journals and articles.
  • Sampling technique – With respect to determine the present research, sample size taken by the researcher is 30 in which UK tourists participate in this aspect. In order to get valid information and research, the researcher will get insight knowledge that is useful for further study.
  • Analysis of data – To analyse the collected information, qualitative technique will be used by the researcher. Here, thematic approach will be selected to analyse the significance of urban tourism activities in the economic development of London City.

1.6 Potential significance

The current research is important in terms of developing understanding related to significance of urban tourism activities in economic development of London. It will help in identifying the role of Urban tourism in order to grab attention of large number of tourist. Along with this area which need to be improve so people can easily visit London need can be analysed. The present research will provide potential significance to the following areas:

  • Travel and tour company will be provided assistance from this research. They will understand different tour packages which can be provided to tourist that can attract them.
  • The investigation will helpful for the academicians who are preparing for Ph.D in developing a depth understanding related to the significance of urban tourism activities in economic development.
  • It will also provide assistance to the analyst in order to prepare on the overview of significance of urban tourism activities in economic development.


2.1 Introduction

In the present scenario of the world, there are various types of researches which are carried out by a researcher on the similar topic. Literature review chapter will provide in-depth understanding related to the selected topic. Along with this, more focus will be given on the importance of urban tourism with respect to a developed economy. So the  complete information in this section is gathered from secondary sources and they act on basis of which further study is being carried out. Along with this, in this chapter, opinion of different authors will be critically evaluated. Hence, it helps in building theoretical base on the subject under the study. Therefore, this chapter will include factors which motivate tourists to visit London. While performing this activity, how London can become the top destination in the future is being analysed in this report.

Importance urban tourism activities in economic development of London City

As per the view of Fishman and Watson, (2015) there are various factors which lead to motivate people to visit London. Museum, park, theatre, natural park et. it is important for government to keep maintain the beauty of London in order to increase the number of visitors. For this purpose, improvement can be made and more accommodation facilities can be provided to customers by hotels which help retaining them. Streimikiene and Bilan, (2015) argued that Government lead to play significant role in respect to growth and development of the city. It is important to develop proper infrastructure and try to keep natural beauty maintain.

Urban tourism is known as the term which describes various tourist activity in which city is considered as the main destination and place of interest. It is one of the old form and very complicated. Walkowitz, (2013), stated that tourism in the cities are highly connected with implementation of new technology and growth. City can provide large number of products and services which become a main object as it is demanded by most of the people in tourism market. Product which are offered by city to tourist can be anything material and non-material such as specific location (Museum, religious, entertainment etc.) There is dynamic effect of urban tourism in the economy as it provides employment opportunity and help in growth and development. Cook, (2014) argued that tourism not only supports the economy of a city but it is also accountable for socio-culture impact on the people. At the time when tourism help in building some employment opportunities it lead to affect the social and cultural relations between people from various part of the world. Fishman,  and Mazzei, (2014) explained that  cities are losing lots of economy and they were identifying they all the loss can be recover and they can easily generate profit from tourism sector and establish job opportunity. It is the reason due to which they are inculcating new activities in so that regeneration process can be enhanced. The tourism department demand investment to attract visitors. Therefore, marketing and selling of a picture of a city so that people get attracted toward it (Lee, Lee and Ham, 2013).

One of the major advantage of cultural tourism is that exchange of culture with various cultures of the world. For country it can become a matter of pride as because local people exchange culture with other people. It makes local people feel more bounded toward the originality. Nemery and Lidouh, (2013) state that local people take tourism in positive way and negative way. It is because too much of everything may not be good. For instance, to develop the city as over-construct the primary elements which lead to diluted the originality of culture.

Impact of Urban tourism

Hoye, (2016), state that Urban tourism is growling rapidly because it leads to provide lots of advantage to the local people in various ways. As the growth in urban tourism has caused socio-cultural and economic and environmental. It leads to put positive and negative impact in Urban areas. One of the positive impact of urban tourism on London is that it helps in creating more and more tourism on their city which lead to enhance their economy (Law, De Lacy and Jiang, 2016).  The number of job created in local care in various sectors for instance, hotels, restaurant, travel agencies etc. Along with this it also assists in improving infrastructure of transportation and enhance business opportunities. On the other side, there are some negative impact of economy in urban cities. Due to high cost it is not easy to live in such type of city as because rate of land is very high. It leads to become reason of unemployment due to season tourism. There are lots of manpower is available due to which people do not get minimum wages. According to the Martínez, Pérez and Del Bosque, (2014)  urban tourism has lead to impact socially at the time when lots of visitors come to visit a specific particular area. Some primary elements of Urban tourism are cultural facilities and leisure setting. On the other side secondary and additional elements are hotels tourist infrastructure etc

As per the view of Higgins-Desbiolles, Moskwa and Wijesinghe, (2017), Westminster is the area of London on the city which is attractive and grab attention of tourist. Along with this it also leads to create historic landmarks in London. There are many places in London which are shows the historical view. Hence it leads to motivate people to travel easily to watch historical monuments.  Similar to this London has lots of historic and cultural places such as forts, museum, art galleries etc (Martínez, Pérez and Del Bosque, 2014),. London is one of the beautiful city and known as famous for festivals. There are many festivals held such as Books, comedy, drama, dance and music etc. Shopping also lead to attract large number of people as because they can easily make purchase of many new things which are not available in their own country.

Toursim is very essential in the economy of London. London is an opening and welcoming city.

There is an huge growth and it is associated with economic benefits which will be only realised with coherent vision and the medium to implement it (Moscardo and Murphy, 2014). There is a great opportunity like total visits to the capital by 2025 are forecasted to attract 40.4 million domestic and international visits annualy.

There is an collaboration with more than hundred of the capital's tourism businesses, which includes  Gatewick Airport, Hilton, Merlin Entertainments and Airbnb as well as leading industry associations such as the Association of Leading Visitor attraction and the British Hospitality Association. They all define a new vision of the London city. As their belief was that if this vision is realised, tourism will reach at high economic growth and it will stimulate the culture scene of the city, It will support even greater numbers of employments and it will strengthen  London’s reputation as an open and welcoming city.

Places where urban tourism is highest are-

Buckingham Palace: According to the view of Chang, and Chih Huang, (2014) this palace is the residence of London and the major workplace of the United Kingdom's Monarchy Location of this palace is in the city of Westminster, and is often at the middle of the state occasions and royal hospitality. It was built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham and it was also known as Buckingham house. It is the most famous and popular attraction of the tourist in London, as it attracts fifteen million tourists every year.

Alexander, and Kim, (2015) state that palace of Webminster: The meeting place of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, the 2 houses of the United Kingdom's Parliament. It was originally built in the middle ages and it was squashed by 1834 due to fire and it was again rebuilt in 1840 – 70. Though there is no casual access to the interior, it is still one of the most visited tourist attractions due to Big Ben and Thames.

Big Ben: It is the nickname of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in london for the Great Bell, and is often extended to refer clock tower and the clock. Its height is 96 m and was opened in 1859 (Brown , Smith and Assaer, 2016).

2.2 Motivating people for visiting London

According to the view of Moscardo and Murphy, (2014), in London, there are many attractive destinations which can easily grab the attention of customers. It can lead to increase the revenue for the country and help in growth and development. Some of the attractive destinations in London are such as London Eye, River Thames, Tower of London etc. To motivate people for visiting London various types of tour packages and accommodation facility need to be provided to them. As luxurious facilities and various another attractive offer encourage them to visit London. Kozak and Kozak, (2016), state that there are different views of London exists that create continuous to evolve. Urban tourist activities are highly promoted with respect to attract a large number of tourist. Word of mount and internet searches have a most overall influence on attraction cultural tourist. There are many international and domestic visitors who predominantly visit London for the cultural experience. Hotels in London provide extra facility to their regular customers Along with this sustainability of the London area are innovative in order to grab the attention of customers. (Sharma and Rather, 2015), argued that in present time people become more aware of the environment. To improve the quality of urban tourist destination it is important to satisfy needs and wants of tourist with respect to enhancing the competitiveness of the tourism industry.  Differnet activities which are included in Urban Tourism are leisure tourism which is linked to some special features of urban areas. Business tourism is also linked to economies , social and cultural vitality of cities and town. There is an conference tourism which is connected with the facilities availed in the image of towns and cities. Weidenfeld and Leask, (2013), points out that there are various issues which are related to urban tourism such as policies etc. It is essential for the UK to resolve policy related issues so that it can be resolved in time.  Basically there are many attractions in London but the most unique one are as follows:

            Sharma and Rather, (2015) state that the best theatre scene in the world is in London which attracts the super best in acting talent so it is not surprising to see a few popular faces on the stage of London. The pickup is from long-running musicals, brand new works and classic plays are making their Wesr End Debuts.

            The best part of every place is that every budget should have proper   accommodation and tastes which is perfect in London. In inexpensive options , one can enjoy famous luxury hotels . Other travellers can be meet up at hostels and they can enjoy the comfort of a friendly B&B, or even can try camping in London (Moscardo and Murphy, 2014)

            Law, Delacy and Jiang,( 2016). explained that best museums and galleries in the world are located in London, many of them are free. In British Museum one can spend few hours, in Tate Modern, Natural History Museum or the Science Museum one can browse the permanent collections which is free or we can say no cost.

            According to the view of Moscardo and Murphy, (2014) in London one can take culinary journey with diverse restaurants which are ranging from Michelin-starred restaurants, to traditional British restaurants and gastropubs with afternoon tea. Bar scene is also equally varied, so rooftop bars can be also check and even riverside pubs and chamagne bars

            Author argued that Brown, Smith and Assaker, (2016) famous skyline continues to evolve in London. Many places to view the iconic skyline with the river, but a compulsory panoramic view of London from top at locations like a beautiful view from the Shard or the London Eye. There is presence of flagship stores on Oxford Street. Europe's largest and famour shopping center at Westfield Stratford or visit to an special and iconic store like Harrods or Selfridges  The biggest sporting event in the world is attracted by London, which is not least the Olympic and Paralympic games. Tour of the capital's spectacular sporting venues is mandatory.

            Cook, (2014) London does not have any lack of green space and even no need to travel far for this. It is home to 8 beautiful Royal parks which includes Hyde Park and Richmond Park. Amazing view of the city can be taken from Hampstead Heath and alternatively London's peaceful outdoor places like Botanical garden can be visited. River bus services and tours are best medium to beat the traffic and to enjoy the beautiful views, even canals of London can not be ignored like Regent's Canal and Little Venice.

Ways through London will be make as the top tourist destination in the future

            As per the view of Hall and Ram, (2018) there are many destinations in London which are highly attractive. In relation to this brand play significant role at the time of increasing the performance of destination in London and in mind of customers. There are various types of activities which help in promoting a particular destination and motivate tourist. Kynaston, (2015) argued that sports in London is one of the centre of attraction for customers. Sports highly motivate tourist to visit at the particular place. 

            According to the view of Fishman and Mazzei, (2014) London can become top destination in future by doing marketing and PR Campaigns throughout the year which will attract more visitors to the capital. This might help to promote the organization if there is proper supply of the information which fits well along the plans.

            As per the opinion Fishman and Watson, (2015) public relation opportunities can also help to become top as it receives hundreds of requests throughout the year from the journalists. Local residents must know the best places where they can take their visitors or friends and families. Tourist guide must highlight very clearly about the way to get to the attraction. And the most necessary is itineraries to the tourists from which they can feel completed overwhelmed.


3.1 Introduction

Research methodolo0gy is an important chapter in research because it provides detailed information regarding various tools and techniques for completing the research. These all tools and techniques help in carrying out research in a right direction. It includes data collection method, research strategy etc. Along with this, it will focus on research aims and objectives that will help in a systematic manner. There are various types of research methodology which are involved in these and help in developing understanding related to the same. In this context below are provided various methodologies that are as follows:

3.2 Research philosophy

Research philosophy is known as the belief of the scholar in relation to the ways which help in gathering, analysing and evaluating the information (Muriana and Vizzini,  2017). Along with this it also helps in analysing the sources which help in developing the nature of the study. At the time of selecting an appropriate research philosophy, it assists in bringing a valid conclusion. It is considered as an actual phenomenon which aims to focus on the objectives of the research. Generally, research philosophy is classified into two types that are interpretivism and positivism.

Interpretivism philosophy focused on the subjective part of the study in which different theories and models are used related to the selected topic. Along with this, it is also depended on the interpretation which is done by the scholar. On the other side, positivism philosophy all the objectives are measured and all the facts which are wrong eliminated from the study. It is carried out in a systematic manner through combining logical aspect and focusing on experimental observations. In this role of gathering and interpreting the information of scholar is reduced (Mammen,  Norton and Butz, 2016). For the present research interpretivism, philosophy is selected by the firm as because it helps in gathering depth information related to the significance of urban tourism activity and its impact on the economy. Reason for selecting philosophy will help in collecting important information and thus obtain right findings in order to gain meaningful information.   


3.3 Research design

Research dosing is known as the method through which all the gathered information is present in a systematic manner. It includes different actions and techniques that involve various elements of the study in a logical manner. Along with this, it is also considered as a blueprint for gathering information. It is classified into three types that are as follows descriptive, exploratory and explanatory (Raynor, Ayubcha and Alavi,  2017). In exploratory research design focus is uncovering all the issues which are covered in the study. The present research is based on analysing the significance of urban tourism activities in the economic development of London City, therefore descriptive research design.  It is known as the theoretical analysis which covered population covered in the study. Hence, it is effective for those study in which description can be provided in order to attain results. It will also help in understanding factors which are motivating customers to visit London. This design not only helps in minimizing the effort but also help in accomplishing the research project in an effective manner (Attar,  Haghighat. and Ghassemi,  2016). The rationale for selecting this research design is that it assists in defining the situation in an efficient manner. Along with this it also helps in gathering important data and facts which help in completing the project successfully.

3.4 Research approach

Research approach help in providing a way through which all the information is collected in the form of specific and general (Médici and Allen, 2016). Approaches which are included in this method are effective enough through which theories and models are taken into consideration. Hence this approach is effective enough in order to raise the knowledge and understanding of the selected topic. There are two types of approaches that are inductive and deductive.

Inductive is the approach which focused on collecting specific information first then specific information. Through the help of this new theory can be constructed on the basis of collected information (Peter,  Werner and Alavi,  2017). On the other side in deductive approach is used at the time when a researcher wants to present general information first. In this focus is on existing theories which are related to the selected topic. In accordance with the selected topic that is analyse the significance of urban tourism activities in the economic development of London City researcher had made the use of inductive approach because it emphasises on involving theories. Reason for selecting inductive approach is that it focusses on providing depth information related to the selected topic. Further this method is that due to its specific outcomes which cannot be related with the topic reflecting a generalised context.

3.5 Data collection methods

Data collection is known as the method that will help in providing different sources from where information can be gathered. For the investigator, it is important to collect the information in order to get a valid outcome. There are two sources from where information can be collected that are primary and secondary (Bathelt and Glückler,  2017). Primary information is that in which all the information is new and it is collected the first time. There are various sources from where this type of information is collected such as survey, questionnaire, interview etc. On the other side secondary information is that kind of information which is already published by different authors in their books, articles etc. This information can gather, from books, journals articles etc.

For the present research, both primary, as well as the secondary method, is considered by the scholar. In the primary method, information is gathered through a survey. A set of question are prepared and it is distributed to respondents. On the other side of secondary information is collected from books, journals and articles (Cooper, Desjardins and Croll,  2016). Reason for selecting both these methods is that from primary research specific information can be collected which more reliable. While secondary information will help in providing string base for theoretical aspect. Hence these both method will help in developing strong base which helps in providing valid outcome.

3.6 Sampling

To carry out research from a large number of population is not easy for the investigator. Therefore, the sampling method is needed to be used for primary research (Toye,  Williamson and Lamb,  2016). There are two types of sampling technique that are probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods. Probabilistic sampling is also considered as a random sampling method. In this method, all the people get equal chances to be selected without any bias. On the other side in non-probabilistic sampling method investigator have proper understanding related to the selected sample size. Among both, the methods researcher will choose random sampling method. Here 50 tourists are selected through random sampling method. Reason for selecting this method is that it will help in providing equal chances to being selected from the entire population.

3.7 Data analysis

After collecting information from different sources, it is important to analyse it for getting the proper outcome (Edson, Henning and Sankaran, 2016). It helps in converting raw data into meaningful information. There are two methods through which information can be analysed that are qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative method is consisting of analysing the question which is asked by the scholar from its respondent in the survey. It includes thematic analysis in which different themes are prepared on the basis of the response (Creswell and Poth, 2017). It is considered as a non-numeric method in which interpretation of the survey results is done on the basis of themes and table. On the other side in the quantitative method, all the information is presented in the numeric form. It enables the use of various statistical tools and techniques. It includes various SPSS tools such as descriptive test, chi square test etc (WinitWatjana,  2016). The present research is based on analyse the significance of urban tourism activities in the economic development of London City. In order to analyse the collected information, the qualitative technique will be considered by the investigator. In this several theme and charts will be prepared on the basis of which interpretation is done. Along with this, different charts and tables are prepared so that all the information is presented in a systematic manner.

3.8 Ethical consideration

There are various types of ethics which are required to be considered at the time of carrying out research. It is important for the investigator to ensure that no unethical activity is carried out as it leads to directly impact the findings of the research. At the time of collecting information from primary sources, it is important to do not force any respondent for taking participant in the survey (Mammen,  Norton and Butz, 2016). Along with this, the reason for conducting the survey needs to be made clear so that they can provide an appropriate answer. Further, all the personal information provided by respondents is required to be kept confidential and destroyed after use so that no other person can misuse it. Apart from this while collecting secondary information it is important to refer authentic sources which are copyright protected. All the information need to be properly cited in order to make it authentic. For the researcher it is required to understand that no information is misused.

3.9 Research limitation

There are various types of limitation which are faced by the investigator at the time of carrying out research. It is essential for the investigator to take proper consideration in order to minimise limitation. Here, below are some limitation which can be faced by the investigator that are as follows:

Aims and Objectives: Aims and objectives are based on the research and it appropriate step on the basis of entire research is carried out. When these are not properly done then the researcher can fail in attempting entire research (Raynor, Ayubcha and Alavi,  2017). Therefore, it can be stated that all aims and objectives need to prepare properly.

Selection of methodologies: There are various methods and approaches which can be considered in order to carry out research in a right direction. At the time when methods and techniques are not selected properly then it can put a negative impact on the findings. There are various sources from where information can gather, therefore scholar should be careful while selecting these sources.

Limitation of time: There is various type of activities which is required to be completed on time. A delay in one activity can delay the other activities.

Limitation of resources: With all the activities there are the certain cost is involved if proper planning is required so that no extra cost involved in all the activities. Along with this, all the collected information need to be evaluated in an appropriate manner in order to get a valid outcome (Attar,  Haghighat. and Ghassemi,  2016).

Getting information: Due to the limitation of time considered sample size is 50 which is nor high neither low. Time needs to be considered from the respondents in which they can fill the questionnaire.

Reliability and validity

For the researcher it is essential to enhance the reliability and validity of the study in which various aspects is considered. In order to conduct the study, it is important to collect all the information from authentic sources. Reason behind selecting this copyright data protected data sources offer highly reliable information which help in providing appropriate outcome. Apart from this, all the information which provided in secondary research are addressed on the basis of aims and objectives (Peter,  Werner and Alavi,  2017). Different themes are prepared by the investigator in accordance to the aim of the research. Hence it shows that all the information provided in research are highly valid and reliable.  Hence, themes have been prepared by the investigator according the research aims. This aspect shows that suitable data has been gathered by the scholar for the present study.



4.1 Introduction

After collecting all the information, it is essential to make use of right technique so that all the information is analysed in a systematic manner. For evaluating the information qualitative method is used by the investigator in which different themes are prepared on the basis of collected data. More specifically researcher has undertaken thematic analysis under which different themes and charts are prepared on the basis of result for supporting the findings.

4.2 Thematic analysis

Theme 1: Urban tourism activities enhance economy prosperity of London market

Interpretation: According to the collected information, it has been found out of 30 respondents 15 states that urban tourism activities enhance the economy prosperity of London market. They said that it provides lots of employment opportunities. On the other side 10 said no while 5 do not know about it. There are many visitors who do not know who economy prosperity can be increase with the help of urban tourism activity. The findings linked with the literature review results.

1. Do you think that urban tourism activities enhance economy prosperity of London market?

Number of respondents


ï‚·         Yes



ï‚·         No



ï‚·         Cannot say






Theme 2: Provide them new destination tour main element that enhance growth in tourism in London

Interpretation: When the question asked from respondents related to the is the main element that enhances growth in tourism in London, 10 said discount to the customer, 12 replied provide them new destination tour, 5 stated that encourage towards new things in urbanisation. However, remaining 3 said all of the above element increase tourism growth in London. It can be stated that different visitors have different view points related to the visiting London as some of them get attractive discount offer which motivate them toward it on the other side few of them like to see new destination

2. As per your point, which is main element that enhance growth in tourism in London

Number of respondents


ï‚·         Discount to customer



ï‚·         Provide them new destination tour



ï‚·         Encourage towards new things in urbanisation



ï‚·         All of the above



ï‚·          Total



Theme 3: Tourism activities enhance participation number of candidates

Interpretation: According to the collected information, it has been found out of 30 respondents 9 highly agreed, 10 only agreed that tourism activities enhance participation number of candidates. They said that if there are many tourism activities then it can easily encourage them toward it. On the other side 6 highly agreed and 2 only agreed with the statement. However, remaining 4 neither agreed nor disagreed with the question as they think that to they travel at new destination for some business purpose or to enjoy holidays.

3. Do you agree that tourism activities enhance participation number of candidates?

Number of respondents


ï‚·         Highly agree



ï‚·         Agree



ï‚·         Neutral



ï‚·         Disagree



ï‚·         Highly disagree







Theme 4: Urban design and planning play main role to attract customer in the country

Interpretation: When tourist was asked regarding urban design and planning play main role to attract customer in the country out of 30 participants 10 highly agreed, 8 only agreed. They said that proper infrastructure, accommodation, leisure facility easily grabs their attention.

However, 2 participants neither agreed nor disagreed. On the other hand, 4 replied they hare highly disagreed and 6 only disagreed with the provided statement. It is analysed that Urban designing is effective enough in respect to motivates customers to visit in particular country.

4. Urban design and planning play main role to attract customer in the country?

Number of respondents


ï‚·         Highly agree



ï‚·         Agree



ï‚·         Neutral



ï‚·         Disagree



ï‚·         Highly disagree



ï‚·          Total



Theme 5: Crowed on beaches do not enhance tourists in the London market

Interpretation: According to the collected information, it has been found out of 30 respondents 4 highly agreed, 4 only agreed that crowed on beaches also enhance tourists in the London market. They think that crowd on beaches shows the popularity of beach. As most of the people like to visit such places which are more popular. On the other side 10 highly disagreed and 7 only disagreed with the statement. However, remaining 5 neither agreed nor disagreed with the question. There are most of the people who stated that crowd on beaches do not attract them as because they many not like to visit at beaches.

5. Crowed on beaches also enhance tourists in the London market?

Number of respondents


ï‚·         Highly agree



ï‚·         Agree



ï‚·         Neutral



ï‚·         Disagree



ï‚·         Highly disagree



ï‚·          Total



Theme 6: Parks and beaches assists to attract customer in the areas of tourism development in London

Interpretation: When tourist was asked regarding parks and beaches assists to attract customer in the areas of tourism development in London out of 30 participants 10 highly agreed, 6 only agreed. However, 5 participants neither agreed nor disagreed. On the other hand, 5 replied they hare highly disagreed and 4 only disagreed with the provided statement. It is analysed that parks and beaches from starting are become centre of attraction of customers as natural resources mostly divert attention of customers. Wildlife beaches and fun lead to attract visitors and most of the people like to visit at such places.

6. Do you agree that attractive parks and beaches assists in tourism development in London?

Number of respondents


ï‚·         Strongly agree



ï‚·         Agree



ï‚·         Neural



ï‚·         Disagree



ï‚·         Strongly disagree



ï‚·          Total



Theme 7: Attractive destination motivate you to visit London

Interpretation: According to the collected information, it has been found out of 30 respondents, 10 said attractive destination, 6 replied effective tour packages and 7 said adventure and social interaction motivates them. There are few respondents who prefer to visit London due to attractive tour package. However, remaining 7 stated that all the above-mentioned factors that can impact the factors which motivate to visit London. It is analysed that attractive destination lead to motivate them. Younger age people prefer adventure as which motivate them to visit London.

7.  What motivate you to visit London?

Number of respondents


Attractive destination



Effective tour package



Adventure and social interaction



All of the above






Theme 8: dissatisfied with the urban tourism activities

Interpretation: According to the collected information, it has been found out of 30 respondents 4 highly satisfied, 4 only satisfied that with the urban tourism activities. On the other side 10 highly dissatisfied and 7 only dissatisfied with the statement. However, remaining 5 neither agreed nor disagreed with the question. There are most of the customers who are satisfied with the tourism activities. Some of them are not because they do not find any additional benefits in tourism activities. There are many people who like to travel at various places and they were involved in various tourism activities.

8.) Are you satisfied with the urban tourism activities?

Number of respondents


Highly satisfied


20 %



16 %



16 %



26 %

Highly dissatisfied


20 %




Theme 9: Parks, green areas urban tourism activities attracts customers more to visit London

Interpretation:  According to the collected information, it has been found out of 30 respondents 8 said that parks, green areas urban tourism activities attracts customers more to visit London.  Hey said that park with wide range of biodiversity lead to encourage them to visit new places. On the other side, 5 state that sports facilities, 8 replied shopping centre and 3 said historical monuments. However, remaining 4 said all of the above activities grab their attention toward visiting London. It is analysed that people travel from one place to another for enjoying their holidays.

9.) Which urban tourism attract activities you more to visit London?

Number of respondents


Sports facilities



Shopping centre



Historical monuments, ancient statues



Parks, green areas



All of the above






Theme 10: Highly satisfied with transport facility provided in London near destination

Interpretation: According to the collected information, it has been found out of 30 respondents 7 highly satisfied, 8 only satisfied that with the urban tourism activities. On the other side 5 highly dissatisfied and 6 only dissatisfied with the statement. However, remaining 4 neither agreed nor disagreed with the question. It is analysed that London has one of the largest urban transport networks in the world, with integrated bus, river and road systems spanning the city's 32 boroughs.

10.) Are you highly satisfied with transport facility provided in London near destination?

Number of respondents


Highly satisfied












Highly dissatisfied






Theme 11: Festival and events lead to attract international and domestic tourist

Interpretation: When tourist was asked regarding Festival and events lead to attract international and domestic tourist out of 30 participants 10 highly agreed, 8 only agreed. However, 2 participants neither agreed nor disagreed. On the other hand, 5 replied they hare highly disagreed and 5 only disagreed with the provided statement. It is analysed that different types of festivals are celebrated in London city which lead to grab their attention and most of the international people like to visit their mostly.

11.) Does festival and events lead to attract international and domestic tourist?

Number of respondent


Strongly agree












Strongly disagree






Theme 12: Growth of tourism in London is attracted with Level of transport attribute of the city

Interpretation: According to the collected information, it has been found out of 30 respondents 15 said that level of transport is the attribute of growth in London. On the other side, 10 replied that number of diversity and 5 effectives of marketing and promotion. It is analysed that people know about the transport facilities which are available in cities which help them in visiting from one place to another. On the other side, there are many tour companies who promote their tour package in market and it lead to play significant role in respect to grab their attention toward the tour packages

12.) Growth of tourism in London is attracted with which attribute of the city?

Number of respondent


Level of transport



Number and diversity of attractions



Effectiveness of marketing and promotion







5.1 Introduction

Once the data analysis and interpretation chapter is completed then in the next chapter researcher focuses on the discussion and conclusion. This is very important chapter in the dissertation that provides summary of the study. With assistance of this chapter, researcher can easily get detail knowledge and understanding about outcome of entire investigation. This discussion in this chapter can do on the basis of data analysis and interpretation chapter. In the present report the main aim is to analyze significance of urban tourism activities in economic development of London City. In order to achieve this objective, researcher have developed several objectives such as motivate people for visiting London, focus on the areas of Westminster to access transport getting around the destination, demonstrate ways through London will be make as the top tourist destination in the future.  In this investigation, researcher have used qualitative research technique along with both primary and secondary data collection. With help of thematic analysis, researcher have obtained some outcome which is discussed in this chapter of discussion and conclusion. By help of this chapter, scholar can effectively conclude outcome and summaries entire collected information in the survey.

5.2 Discussion of the findings in relation to literature review

From the collected data in the report it has been analyzed that tourism plays a very crucial role in the London economy and there are several attractive destinations which can easily grab the attention of customers. Furthermore, tourism corporation in the London provides attractive facilities and services to travelers through which they more attract toward it. Hotels in London provides effective facilities and various attractive offers to visitors in the London. In order to address the aim is to analyze the significance of urban tourism activities in economic development of London city, researcher have conducted survey of 50 tourism in London. On the basis of collected data in survey it has been analyzed that there are numerous global and local visitors who dominatingly visit London for the social experience. Inns in London give additional office to their standard customers Along with this supportability of the London territory are creative keeping in mind the end goal to snatch the consideration of customers. Creator contended that in introduce time individuals turn out to be more mindful of the earth.  It has been also assessed on the basis of collected data that for enhance the nature of urban vacationer goal it is imperative to fulfill needs and needs of visitor concerning improving the intensity of the tourism business. There are distinctive exercises incorporated into Urban tourism, for example, relaxation tourism connected to the specific highlights of urban zones. On the basis of collected data in the survey it has been also analyzed that business tourism is connected to the social, monetary and social essentials of towns and urban areas. A gathering tourism connected with the offices profited in the picture of towns and urban communities. Creator brings up that there are different issues which are identified with urban tourism, for example, approaches and so on. It is basic for the UK to determine approach related issues with the goal that it can be settled in time. There's convenience to suit all financial plans and tastes in London. The city has numerous acclaimed lavish lodgings, yet there are a lot of less expensive alternatives as well. Meet different explorers at lodgings; appreciate the solace of an inviting B&B, or even take a stab at outdoors in London.

In this entire research study,  another aim is to determine the factors that motivate the people to visit the London. There are various factors identified that motivates the people to visit the London. As per the Ma-slows hierarchy theory it has been found that people required  five basis needs., individuals have five basic needs that are needed to be fulfilled, that is, physiological, safety, love belonging, self-esteem and self-actualisation. Maslow has stated that employees can be motivated by satisfying their needs depending on the level on which they fall. While these all needs of individual is effectively satisfied then they will motivate for effective living. London is very beautiful city that influence visit for visit there. Thus, from this collected data it has been analyzed that in order to attract customer toward the London beauty, Urban design and planning is very significant through which they can attract automatically.

On the basis of collected data in the survey from the 50 tourism it has been analyzed that urban tourist activities increase economy prosperity of London market. Thus, from this data it can be said that due to the activities and programs in urban tourism activities, economy prosperity of London market is significantly increased. It has been also concluded that the major element enhancing growth in tourism in London is delivered then a new destination tour. Thus, from this collected data it can be assessed that in order to enhance growth in the tourism in the London, tourism corporation requires providing new destination tour to customers so as they can more satisfy and happy. While the question has asked in the survey about tourism activities enhance participation numbers of candidates then majority of respondents said that tourism activities enhance participation numbers of candidates. It has been also analyzed that urban design and planning plays a main role to attract customers in the country. As it has been found that in the London city there are various attractive parks and beaches which assist in increasing tourism development in London. These attractive parks and beauty of London attract much tourism toward it. It has been also analyzed that Urban design and planning plays a main  role in attracting customer in the London city. Thus, from this collected data it has been analyzed that in order to attract customer toward the London beauty, Urban design and planning is very significant through which they can attract automatically. It has been also analyzed that not only parks and beaches assists to corporation in attract customers in the area of tourism development in London but also crowed on beaches enhance the attraction of tourist in the London market. While the question asked regarding the point which attract customer toward London then many of the respondent said that attractive and various destination is major point which attract them in large manner toward the London city.

On the basis of collected primary information it has been also analyzed that Park, green area and other area in the urban tourism which attract customers in large manner for visit London. In addition to this majority of respondents said that they are highly satisfied with transport facility provided in London near destination.From the above discussion about the urban tourism activities in development of London city it has been concluded that tourism plays a very crucial role in order to enhance the development of the country. It is one sector that assist in increasing national economy and income of country.  London city is popular due to its beauty and attractive destinations. There are various attractive destination and places that attract they customer for visiting. Places includes Buckingham, palace of Westminster, Big Ben etc. These all places assists to London City in enhancing its tourism business sector in effective and efficient manner. It has been also summarized from this study that in the London there are great arrangement and facility regarding accommodation in London, Free London attractions, food and drinks, best views in London, shopping in London, Sport in London, Parks and outdoor London, London river Thames etc. These all elements combine developed a most beautiful attraction point in the London city due to which large numbers of customers visits here in every year.

On the basis of the collected information in the survey it has been analyzed that there are several ways for improve tourist destination in the future. Tourism organization should focus on the infrastructure and amenities by which they can provide more effective experience to customers. Corporation should focus on the visitor's demand and requirement regarding  destination place through which it can meet their expectation regarding tourism destination. Furthermore, corporation should develop the infrastructure for business visits and events. It has been also analyzed that with help of invest in the increasing infrastructure company can increase the London tourism destination in the future.

From this collected data in the data analysis and interpretation chapter it has been assessed and analyzed that Urban tourism is snarling quickly on the grounds that it prompts give loads of favorable position to the neighborhood individuals in different ways. It prompts put positive and negative effect in Urban territories. One of the positive effect of urban tourism on London is that it helps in making increasingly tourism on their city which prompt upgrade their economy. The quantity of employment made in nearby care in different segments for example, lodgings, eatery, travel organizations and so forth. Alongside this it additionally helps with enhancing foundation of transportation and improve business openings. On the opposite side, there are some negative effect of economy in urban areas. Because of high cost it is difficult to live in such kind of city as on the grounds that rate of land is high. It prompts progress toward becoming reason of joblessness because of season tourism. There is dynamic impact of urban tourism in the economy as it gives business opportunity and help in development and development. At the time when tourism help in building some work openings it prompt influence the social and social relations between individuals from different piece of the world. As urban areas are losing bunches of economy and they were distinguishing they all the misfortune can be recoup and they can without much of a stretch produce benefit from tourism part and set up opening for work. It is the reason because of which they are instilling new exercises in with the goal that recovery procedure can be improved. The tourism division request venture to draw in guests. In this manner, advertising and offering of a photo of a city with the goal that individuals get pulled in toward it.

On the basis of collected data in the survey it has been also assessed that Urban tourism is growing rapidly as it delivers various benefits to the local people in various ways.  With help of the tourism activities and program, individual have opportunity to visit the various beautiful and attractive destinations. It has been also discussed that culture is another one of the element that affect urban tourism in the country. One major benefits of culture tourism is that there are different cultural people comes for visit on the destination through which tey can learn something new with each other. Local people can exchange culture with visitors who comes from the other country. Thus, it can be said that local people have opportunity to learn and experience with new culture, region, language, background etc. It makes local individual feel more bounded toward the originality. Another major advantage of Urban tourism is related to  employment. As this profession creates opportunity for job in local are in various area such as transportation, accommodation, hotel restaurant, entertainment etc.

Thus, from the entire collected data and on the basis of interpretation it has been analyzed that there are several respondents in the survey who was strongly agreed that there are several parks, beaches, garden and other view point that creates attractive destination for visitors. People in the Urban tourism mostly attracted toward the effective and beautiful destination. It has been also analyzed that here are distinctive exercises incorporated into Urban tourism, for example, relaxation tourism connected to the specific highlights of urban zones. In addition to this,  while any tourism organization is going to engage with tourism destination planning then it is very important to analyze customers taste, preferences and requirements. By acknowledge actual requirement of customer, corporation can meet their expectations.  By help of effective market research and survey corporation can effectively analyze requirement of customers in the urban tourism. It has been also analyzed from this data that urban tourism helps to the country in increasing the living standard, employment etc. Local people have lots of opportunity to learn something new language, culture, region, etc from the visitors who comes from other country. Thus, it can be said that there are great significance of the urban tourism in the development of London economy as it provides several chances to improve the economy as well as individual growth in the country. Many of the respondents in the data collection procedure are highly satisfied with statement that there is great significance of the urban tourism activities in development of London city. Further from data analysis chapter it is analysed that London city need to use various motivational factor which can attract them toward their city. People usually like to visit at such places which are more attractive and quite popular among people. Due to unavailability of accommodation facility people avoid visiting a particular place. This finding is consistent with literature review because people need to travel from one destination to another and it consume lots of time. Hence availability of the transport facility makes easier for them to travel longer distance without facing any difficulty.  Furthermore, in London there are many festivals and musical events are organised which lead to become centre of attraction from both international tourist and domestic. It is essential for tour company to focus on providing discount offers to customers as it lead to increase number of tourist on city. Accommodation facilities provided to tourist is must be effective and on time. As this all factors play significant role in respect to increase number of tourist in London city. Therefore, collected primary and secondary are related to each other and both directed towards the same aspect such as destination can be improved which help in increasing number of tourist.

5.3 Conclusion

From the above research, it is concluded that tourism industry is about to grow and become a part of the economy. As mentioned earlier tourism play very important role in the economy at some places so London is one of them. Especially the urban tourism plays an effective role in the country whose reputation is open and welcoming cityWith the collaboration there vision is changed that will drive new economic growth and stimulate culture scene which will support many jobs and make strong the reputation of London. Places like Buckingham palace, Palace of Webminster and Big Ben should be the essential part of the itinerary if London is your next destination for vacation or any fun trip because these three are most popular and highly visited place in London for tourism. Apart from urban tourism London has many attractions like London theatre, Accommodation in London are with every budget and taste, best museum galleries which are free, food and drink are starred, best views in London, Sports, parks and outdoor location and best part is shopping because there are many flagship stores on the Oxford Street and Europe’s largest urban centre at Westfield Stratford. Most beautiful are the. The popularity of England is clear and unsurprising considering London's excellent transport links and prime attractions. London can become top in the tourism industry in the future, so it needs some workout like, proper need of pre visitor promotion, feedback from the visitor who travelled London. Infrastructure and amenities should be ensured properly and development of the infrastructure for business visits and events. Further it is concluded that Urban tourism has play significant role in respect to the development of economy It consider various activities such as historical monuments, arts and galleries etc.


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